Our Vision is Evidence based quality and ethical medical practice for healthcare staff.
Our Mission is to promote the Art and Science of Medicine and allied sciences in order to maintain the honour and interest of the medical profession and attain the highest level of quality healthcare services in Tanzania.
Student studying at the Medical or Dental faculty of any recognized University/College shall be eligible for Student Membership.

Tanzanian and foreigners, Medical and Dental practitioners who are registered in foreign countries wishing to be members of the Association may apply and me admitted as foreign members, after complying with the requirements of membership.
Any person who holds a medical or dental qualification which may not be registerable by the Medical Council of Tanganyika, or who holds qualifications approved by the National (in Para-medical or Biological science) shall be eligible for Associate Membership.

why join mat?

Labour law advice
To ensure, maintain and safeguard the professional rights, interests, privildges and welfare of its members.

Private practice support
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Uniting Medical Practitioners in Tanzania

Continuing Professional Development
Through conducting and supervising continuous medical education (CME's) and annual conferences on key public health issues.

Access to information
Provide evidence based information to influence policy through the Tanzania Medical Journal (TMJ)